Yoga Sutra - IV- 16- NA CAIKCITTA TANTRAM VASTU TADAPRAMANAKAM TADA KIM SYAT - Nor does an object's existence depend upon a single mind, for if it did, what would become of that object when that mind did not perceive it?
Swami Satchidananda translated these sutras without commentary.
"How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood says the following for YS IV - 16:
In these two aphorisms, Patanjali refutes the philosophy of subjective idealism. Following Sankhya philosophy, he admits the reality of an objective world which is independent of our mental perception. Furthermore, he points out that the perception of an individual vary from those of another. The example given by the commentators is that of a young and beautiful married woman. She brings joy to her husband, causes other women to be jealous of her beauty, arouses lust in the lustful, and is regarded with indifference by the man of self-control. Which of these observers know her as she really is? None of them. The object- in itself cannot be known by sense-perception (I, 43).
See related post - Nirvitarka Samadhi YS I - 43
Very, very good point in this. None are right, all is subjective and part of life here. Thanks for the post.
Hi Anne! You are welcome. These yoga sutras are so inspiring and informative and great for contemplation!
Take care.
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