Swami Satchidananda has a long commentary for this sutra. Some of it has some repetition of the earlier descriptions of the three types of karma. The commentary begins with By dharmamegha samadhi all that affects the mind goes away. One becomes a jivamukta. Such a person is not affected by anything. He or she is there and things happen; that person is a constant witness. The body and mind, which were trained well before liberation, just continue certain functions because of their prarabda, or residual karma.
The review of the workings of karma, (all our actions which leave their results) are grouped into three sections as follows:
- Prarabda karma -Karma to be experienced in this life. It is according to your prarabda that you come into this world with different qualities of body and mind. This karma dictates whether we are a girl or boy and we each have to undergocertainn experiences for which that type of body is needed.
- Sanjita karma- Is the sum total of all your past karmas.
- Agama karma - While experiencing prarabda karma we are creatinig new karma. To recognize the new karma, anything that happens unexpectedly is prarabda and consciously planned actions are new karma.
In the case of jivanmuktas, they have come into the world with human bodies because of their prarabda. Until they got liberated they were just like anybody else. Now, with their Self-knowledge, they decide not to do any new karma to bind themselves, sotherer is no agami for them. But that doesn't mean they are not doing any actions. Some things seem to be happening as they are seen doing many things, however, they are not. And because of this isolation from the mind and body, they are not affected by the reactions of the acts you see them perform. It is the mind that performs all the karmas.
So once you realize you are Purusha (the Self or cosmic man), it is known that karma belongs to the mind. With the isolation from the mind, the seeds of karma are burnt, not affecting the jivamukta- thus no further birth. But still, the prarabda that brought this mind and body remains. Until that is over, the body and mind will still function. ;Jivamuktas are neither blamed or praised for their actions. Just as you watch them acting, they watch themselves. All praise and blame go to the body and mind-- not to the jivamuktas.See related post:
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