Have you ever heard of the Bhagavad Gita ?
It will take you back to the Streeta
Have you ever heard of the Bhagavad Gita ?
It's about life. It's about strife in your life.
You see there were a group of brothers who were against their cousins
Not because they didn't love them, but because the cousins were withholding their rightful share of ownership of the kingdom
Doesn't it sound familiar about life?
When things are happening to us that doesn't seem right?
Now one of the brothers named Arjuna was lamenting about the fight that was to be fought
And Lord Krishna who was guiding his chariot said
Yo Arjuna! - Get up and do your duty! Stop boohooing and be a man
Do your duty and take a stand
Don't you know that you cannot kill the essence of who you truly are ?
Because that Inner Self, who is the nature of me cannot be destroyed, cut or burnt
Oh Arjuna! Stand up and be a man - The warrior prince that you are by and far
If you do not do this, know that you will be looked upon as a wimp and not worthy of respect.
Arjuna said - Oh Lord I cannot kill my teachers, relatives - It's a sin!
I will surely not want to win with their blood on my plate
Krishna said - Get a grip!
Don't give me no lip!
Listen! Listen! Listen to me!
Know you own Self and you will truly be free!
The body is like a piece of clothing, it is not permanent
There is no death - It's an illusion
So get in gear and clear your confusion!
Arjuna listened and surrendered to the Lord
The Bhagavad Gita is the song of the Lord giving us enlightenment to use as a sword to cut through the veil of illusion.
Yours truly,
Ha, ha . . how wonderful; I bet that's the first Bhagavad Gita Rap in the history of the world . . .
. . . Well it's the first I've ever seen and I love it :)
I'm a big fan of The Gita . . I also had to go to war with everything that I was attached to, so that I could break free of all my attitudes, beliefs and opinions; eventually all that remains is the original state of Pure and clear Perception. Wow, how liberating that is . . .
Great work, keep it up 'Om'
Doug '1yogi2many' :))
Thank you Doug for your comments. The Bhagavad Gita is so uplifting! It goes hand in hand with the Yoga Sutras!
Again, thanks for the comment and you keep up your great work too!
Blessings to you ;-)
It's amazing how things work out sometimes . . .
. . after reading your 'Gita-Rap' I landed on another site with an article about it, which I read of course, and then out of my spirit some words started to simply flow through me and, as a result, that morning I found myself writing a new post: http://1yogi2many.blogspot.com/
. . which I hope you don't mind my sharing with you?
Either way, I'd like to thank you for the moment of inspiration . .
Thanks Om,
Just Another Yogi.
You are welcome Doug. I did go to your site to check out your rap. Inspiring. This is a good review for a great text.
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